For no particular reason I feel like blogging about what I accomlished today. Prepare to be bored. =)
After waking up and driving Meesh to work I ended up writing a program to generate the Fibonacci sequence in Forth. For the programmers out there unfamiliar with Forth, you can think of it as a stack-based almost-assembly language. For you non-techies, I wrote a program in a language no one but people who program things like toasters use.
I then got some work done. I once again learned how much I wish Java was different. Today was the lack of closures or partial function evaluation. Luckily it was not too hard to roll my own solution as the objects I wanted a partial evaluation make a total number of two. At least I still feel good about my design decisions I have made in my re-implementation of my thesis code. But I will need to work on it this weekend (don't want to put off writing the test code or else I will come to regret it later as I won't get around to writing the tests).
Google's new Social Graph API really caught my attention today. It's the reason I now have a list of friends and their blogs in the right-hand column of both this blog and my Python blog. I really hope various online services and people do what is needed to make the associations people have with one another exposed online so that one does not have to rely on Facebook and other social networking sites. I can see some really cool things coming out of this if it catches on.
Went to a bar to meet up with Meesh and some folks. Chatted for a couple of hours.
That is about it. I did other random things throughout the day, such as play a good chunk of Portal with the developer commentary on, but I think I covered all of the major things.
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