
Almost done!

The end of my days as a course-taking student is nearing rapidly. I have paper reviews for my AI course due Tuesday (one left which should get done tonight). After that I will be meeting with my parallel algorithms professor sometime this week to go over my assignment portfolio and finish off that class (not scheduled yet). And then I need to finish my AI paper by April 24 and have a hard copy turned in (can't start that until I get my peer reviews back). That's what's left in terms of courses.

For leaving Vancouver for my internship, I have a couple of things. I need to get traveler's insurance to medically cover me for the time after 60 days I will be out of the country (although if I make a quick trip back to Vancouver before those 60 days are up it resets and thus it wouldn't be necessary). I also need to get cheque forwarding set up for financial aide since I am due a cheque for my fellowship for over the summer. And finally I need to get my phone situation squared away (lower my cell phone plan and either get a SIP number through Gizmo or a pre-paid cell phone while I am in the States).

But then I have my laundry list of things I want to get done over the summer. Bunch of Python-related stuff (which I will discuss on my programming blog), developing a web site framework for my dad and brother's web sites so that they can maintain the sites themselves and possibly even use it myself for a future new web site (or I might go with Django), continue to learn more programming languages, and do more active stuff (ice skating and rock climbing specifically).

I just hope I can get to a fifth of my list!

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