
Replacing FriendFeed

[edit 2009-08-12: Google Reader now provides a page of feeds based on your Google profile, solving my first two issues]

It was announced today that Facebook bought FriendFeed. This is unfortunate to me as this puts FriendFeed's future in doubt as Facebook bought the company for the developers and their tech, not the site itself. While I totally understand why the FriendFeed guys sold the company, it does mean I need to come up with an alternative to FriendFeed as I don't trust Facebook to keep the site up and open to my liking.

FriendFeed provided me three services. One was aggregating my online content into a single account online -- my lifestream online. To fix this I have created a Google Reader lifestream bundle for myself. There you will find an aggregate feed (that works in any feed reader) for my two blogs, my photos, and my Yelp reviews. I am also giving twitterfeed a try to update Twitter directly from this bundle. If you want ALL of my content, including things that are extremely noisy , go to my Google profile and subscribe to what you want.

The second service FriendFeed provided was getting shared stuff from various people online. This is picked up by Google Reader shared items. Many things I liked that I found from FriendFeed came from people and their Google Reader shared items, so this service replacement works.

The third service was as a microblogging service and Twitter backup. I always preferred how FriendFeed handled comments, and I had enough people following me that I could post there and on occasion get a response. But the really handy thing was FriendFeed as a backup when Twitter was acting up. Posting a message to FriendFeed meant it would at least be up on FriendFeed immediately and eventually get to Twitter once the service stopped having whatever trouble it had. Plus FriendFeed has an IM and email interface that I would use on occasion. Replacing the backup I can do through identi.ca, but the alternative interfaces will take more work. And Google Reader's shared thoughts features is definitely not there yet.

I think most of the reasons I used FriendFeed I have found a replacement, albeit not quite as slick as what FriendFeed has provided me.


Queen Anne said...

How did you create the Reader bundle? By hand, or did I miss a trick?

Unknown said...

@DeWitt It was by hand. I already had a "me" folder to make sure my feeds are not busted, so I just dragged that into the bundler creator. Problem is that I don't think bundles auto-update (could be wrong), so if I update the bundle people won't get the new subscriptions. Plus the new Discover page for people you follow based on their Google profile overshadows this somewhat (although I still want an auto-updating thing like FriendFeed).