
Getting an intro to Unitarian Universalism

Meesh has been looking for some moral guidance as of late and she asked for my advice. Having contemplated during my undergrad days what church I would ever consider joining, I told her to look up Unitarian Universalism. Basically the church accepts people of all religious beliefs who are tied together by the idea that people should be free to think and do what they want (within reason). Being a deist myself that fit my bill fine as well as Meesh's.

After discovering the North Shore Unitarian Church online (for non-locals, the North Shore is the name for the area of West and North Vancouver), she read the various sermons and seemed to agree with most of them. She then went and attended service this past Sunday and enjoyed it.

Out of interest and to support Meesh we attended a UU intro function as a member's house last night. There was a total of ten people, including the minister for the church and the lady running the function. Everyone was very nice, pleasant, and welcoming. Almost everyone there had joined the church as "refugees" from other religions which makes sense considering how the church is oriented. Meesh and I were the youngest people there, but that didn't make a lick of difference to anyone (including us).

Anyway, there are two more meetings for this into thing and we plan to go. We will probably also scope out the Vancouver church. I have to say it was nice to be around people who are a part of a community who hold similar moral and social views as me.


Anonymous said...

Great, Darling! Hope the two of you find value and comfort in going. MOM

Vivian said...

we are getting married by a unitarian minister!

Robin Edgar said...

When in Montreal do as the Montreal U*Us do. . .

Then again, perhaps not. ;-)