
Cards with gifts for the holidays

I am a phone person. When I want to talk to someone I tend to call (this does not necessarily apply if they are not in my timezone). This includes special days when cards are the traditional way of wishing someone well. Over the years I have tried to let people know that I much preferred to give them a nice phone call and see how they are then send some folded piece of stiff paper with a witty saying on it.

But some people, such as my mother, still prefer the card. She argues that it shows you care enough to go out and hunt a card down that you think fits that person. I can understand that and so I try to get my mother a card for those times that calls for one.

But what about cards that go with gifts? If you are not there it could be argued that they help take the place of a phone call. It allows you to not only identify who the gift was from but give a little note that you would have normally said had you been there.

But how about when you are there to present the gift? Is a card truly useful? The will know the gift is from you since you will tell them. And any message you would have delivered you can say yourself (assuming it isn't personal, but then again you can always give those messages in private later in the day).

We could even take this as far as they are bad for the environment. I can only imagine how much energy is used to make all of those cards that Hallmark makes. And this is not the trees that I am talking about as I am sure most cards are made from recycled paper. I am thinking of the actual power required to make that card and the environmental harm that power caused to be produced.

So, cards with gifts when you are not going to be there personally I can understand. But a card with a gift when you are there to hand it to them personally I think is wasteful.

Boy am I going to get some flack for this post. =)


BryansBlahBlahBlah said...

hahaha, yeah I am sure you will get lots of response for this one :P I tend to give out both card and gifts for xmas. cards are more for my benefit than others, I just like picks out card that fits the person that I want to give out to :) Anyway, expect a card and gift from me in the next few days, and since you like phone call, I will give you a call as well :)

Anonymous said...

Brett - Your problem is you are SOOO good at finding cards for me that they ARE a present! Love the candy cane @!#$ .Todd says you are getting sick. Try some Zicam. Really works Love,Mom

Cards with gift not necessary if you are there...