
I have not been getting enough sleep lately

First, be careful when your significant other tends to stay up later than you. There will be a desire to stay up as long as you do, but it starts to wear you down.

But then also be careful about worryinmg about them making sure they get to bed themselves. Meesh can't really tell the amount of time that has past so I am usually worried that if she is still up when I go to sleep she will be up until who knows what hour reading, playing WoW, etc.

That also means be weary of when your significant other starts a new job and is nervous about it and thus can't sleep. That just leads to staying up late which snowballs.

Lastly, don't have a scheduled wake-up time. If you had a flexible time to wake up the other worries are not quite as severe, but if you have a fixed amount of time you can sleep you shouldn't cut into it.

I realize this sounds like I am blaming Meesh for my sleep problems this past week. But if you look at the issues it all stems from me not forcing myself to go to sleep at a reasonable hour and me worrying about Meesh sleeping more than my own sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ange and I used to be like that as well. I think it takes a while to get used to each other's life style, but it's nothing out of the ordinary, just part of being in a relationship :)