
Bought a new bike

I now have a Rocky Mountain RC 50. Designed and built in Canada! It's a hybrid mountain bike (i.e., city bike). They gave me a longer stem and curved handlebars to allow me to sit up higher and so I didn't feel cramped standing up on the bike. Also had larger pedals put on so it didn't feel like my feet were going to slip off.

Made sure I had disc brakes for the wet weather here. The weather also added the requirement that I get fenders put on. The last time I went biking with Meesh on our old bikes we both came home with black lines on the front and back of our pants and shirts from the mud getting kicked up. The fenders are black so they blend in nicely.

Got a Kryptonite Evolution STD which requires $70 and an hour to cut if I ever lose the keys. Also got an emergency bike kit put together. Still have to get a replacement mount for my front light from MEC (rear light actually mounts on to my bike kit bag just fine which already mounts on to the back of my seat).

Now I just need to plan out a workout schedule with the bike to get back my stamina.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

find a hill and climb it in an easy gear then shift it one up everytime you climb it. Ride back down before doing the shift. This will build aerobic and anaerobic. Lungs will burn and the legs will burn. Try it out for a week see how you feel.